Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Howling all night

Cats don't just hunt and eat, sleep and play.  They also go into heat.  When this happens, they temporarily lose their minds.  If there are five females and countless males hanging around and howling all night, you lose your mind.  It seems to go on forever. 

You can't sleep.  The silence of the night is shattered by bloodcurdling howls and intermittent shrieks.

Daytime isn't much better.  The howls and shrieks continue.  Creatures you thought you knew are now deranged hollow-eyed strangers, followed by hordes of wild eyed actual strangers.  They all flit by the food dishes like ghosts.

They fall like dominoes.  Mama.  Blue.  Vixen.  Possum Lily.  The only one left sane is Minnie.  But a week after the others become zombies, Minnie succumbs to the same affliction.  The males aren't behaving any better.  They chase after their female relatives with evil intentions.

In the nick of time, just as you begin to contemplate shooting the whole lot, they suddenly regain their senses.  They quiet down and things appear to go back to normal.  But this normalcy is deceptive, the calm before the storm.  Before long, those interminable two weeks will seem like quiet hour, because soon, all hell will break loose.        

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