Monday, February 24, 2014

Money cat? They must mean Tommy.

Some people call calico cats money cats.  These people have got it all wrong.  It's very obvious they've never met Tommy.  Now Tommy is a true money cat, expensive as hell.  This handsome, six year old, Mel Gibson look-alike, has managed to use up eight of his nine lives and lost his tail in the process.  He's been patched up so many times, tail surgery being the last straw, that he is now confined indoors.

Does being confined indoors keep him out of trouble?  Not a chance.  Recently, after the sudden onset of a mystery illness, he was hospitalized and diagnosed with feline HIV.  But at least for now, and hopefully for a long time to come, he's back to his usual charming hungry self.

Why does this poor guy have such rotten luck?  Well, I know for sure that several black cats have crossed his path.  He's also been known to walk under ladders and step on cracks.

I presently have four calico cats.  They haven't brought me any money but they haven't cost me a fortune either.  Although Tommy hasn't brought me any money, he has cost me a fortune.  This is scientific proof, folks.  Without a doubt, the real  money cat is Tommy.    


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