Tuesday, June 3, 2014

101 Cat-matians? Or not....

This is post # 101.  I supposed this is sort of an achievement for a chronic underachiever.  At first it was easy to come up with ideas to write about.  Lately, I seem to be running a little dry.  Of course, this isn't a big problem.  It doesn't take much to keep search engines amused. 

Some of these searches come from unexpected places like Africa and Ukraine.  Search engines from Germany and China are frequent visitors of this blog.  This world wide interest in the incoherent ravings of a feline fancier is quite puzzling.  Or maybe not.  I suppose it's possible the world hasn't completely gone to the dogs, yet.

The most unique visitor to this blog comes from a source labeled UNTRUSTED.  hmmmm... 

 Wow.  101 posts.  101 posts reminds me of  a really sick horror movie.  This creepy movie was about a pack of spotted dogs, their dim owners and a psychopath who wanted to make a coat out of them.  The coat was to be made from the dogs, not the owners.  At least I think that's how it went.  Whatever!  The whole thing was so far fetched.  For one thing, Dalmatians have such thin fur, all you could make from their coats is pantyhose.  And in the movie, these dogs were so cutesy-poo.  In real life, these spotted fleabags are reputed to be very bad tempered with a penchant for biting.  They're up near the top of the biting dog list.   Another problem I had with the movie was that the dogs spoke fluent English.  Actually, one rarely encounters this sort of thing unless under the influence of a mind altering substance.

Movie makers wouldn't get away with foisting such nonsense on today's sophisticated audiences.  If the film studios want to keep recycling the same old crap on us, the least they could do is upgrade the material.  They could start by starring a more intelligent animal than a dog.  So why not let cats star in the movie?  A 101 Cat-matians.  Now that title would be an attention getter, at least to search engines.

 In the old version of the movie, the dog stars all looked the same.  They were nearly impossible to tell apart, except that two were bigger.  This time they should aim for some diversity.  The way to achieve this diversity would be to use cats as the lead characters.  Cats come in a marvelous array of shades, hues and patterns.

The only problem with this feline upgrade is that most cats would not lower themselves to participate in a movie with such a preposterous plot.  I guess this is one silly old movie best left to the dogs.  Spotted dogs.

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