Sunday, June 8, 2014

Shadow Cat

She's mysterious as moonlight but not as fickle.  She's a precious treasure.  I know this and she knows it, too. 

The connection between us is eerie.  We understand each other.  Sometimes, I'll look at her and get this strange feeling I'm looking into a spooky feline mirror.  Apparently she feels this, too.  She can be sound asleep but somehow she always knows when I step out a door.  She will find the right window to watch me from and howl in anguish until I come back.

When the other cats are off doing whatever it is cats do when they're not underfoot, Angie stays close by. She feels her incompetent human needs feline help to get things done properly. 

While I clean litter boxes, she scrambles around chasing her tail on a nearby perch.  I'm not exactly sure how this helps but it's awfully cute.

Angie's an expert at making beds.  Her bed making also involves a lot of scurrying around under blankets.  Although it takes twice as long to get the beds made, it's the thought that counts.  Angie thinks she's helping and that's what matters.  She's also a whiz at folding clean laundry.  As fast as I fold and pile the clean clothes, she knocks them over and burrows in them.  And then with flashing eyes and waving tail, she'll proudly stand on the mussed up laundry, waiting to be praised for her efforts. 

She may be the smallest member of the household, but her presence and voice are immense.  I don't know how I ever managed without my little shadow cat.             


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