Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mischief Inc.

Contrary to popular opinion, cats are extremely dependable.  If there is mischief to be gotten into, you can count on them to find it.  This feline dependability makes for some fine photo ops.

Don't want your cats to get into something?  Don't bother putting it up in a high place.  They'll find it.  Put any foreign object out in plain sight.  They'll still find it.  Putting the object of interest behind closed doors isn't always a solution, either.  If a door isn't properly latched, they'll find it.  Salem has a knack for opening improperly latched doors and a weakness for clean towels.  It didn't take her long to teach the whole family to firmly close that flaky linen closet door.

 Cats love an occasional bouquet of flowers.  First they innocently sniff the flowers.  Turn your back and they start casually plucking them out of the vase and dragging them around.  But the thing they enjoy the most about flowers is spilling the water. 

Contrary to the old tales that claim cats don't like water, cats find water quite entertaining.  I've seen Ginger go right into a little pond to catch frogs.  There's nothing as fine as seeing a fat little cat coming towards you with a pair of frog legs dangling from her mouth.  It's possible that the frogs don't enjoy this sport but I've never heard any complaints.  This could be because the frogs don't usually live to complain about it.

Some cats also love to play in snow.  I have a few that go wild over it.  After a snow storm, Leo will nag me until I bring some snow into the house.  Then I have to toss little snowballs around the kitchen floor so the cats can chase and tackle them.  They love this game and will play until the snowballs are puddles on the floor.  Then the cats rest up for their next escapade while I mop up the puddles.

My cats don't like strangers or visitors.  They especially seem to dislike my mother-in-law.  I can totally relate to this.  As soon as the cats hear footsteps on the front stairs or a doorbell, they stampede and dive for cover.  The "Hoff" seems to be the exception.  When they found him on "their" sofa, they attacked and swarmed all over him.  But when they started to chew him, I had to take their new playmate away.

Cats also like to sew.  Whenever I use the sewing machine, I get more help than I need.  Some will directly confront the machine.  One tries to steal the spool of thread.  But Frodo sneaks up on it by crawling across the top of a tall bookcase.  From there, she will attempt to leap down upon the evil machine.  Since I'm in her line of fire, I usually intercept her before she springs.  Occasionally, a family member will hear me cussing and suggest I close the door.  Right.  I wasn't born yesterday and I'm not falling for that trick.  If I close that door, they will just find something else to get into.  I figure it's better to know what they're up to than to get surprised by it later.   


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