Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Shedding time

Ah, spring.  Outdoors, the air is scented with lilacs.  Indoors, everything, including me, is covered with cat hair.  It's that wonderful time of year, shedding time.

Golddiggers Animal Hospital classifies most of my felines as domestic short hairs.  They've even stooped so low as to accuse Salem of being a domestic short hair with...."tabby markings".   Salem is very offended by this cruel labeling.

Maybe these cats have "short hair", but when this hair is covering the carpet and stuck to my clothes, it really doesn't look so short.  After I pick a cat up, the fur left on my clothes makes my garments resemble a gorilla suit.

The cats get a daily brushing.  Lately, when the brushing is done, I'm standing in a "haystack" of hair. 

The only cat of mine that actually likes to be brushed is Angie.  If she hasn't been brushed by a certain time each morning, she'll start nagging.  The problem is she's always switching the time on me.  Sometimes I'll be in the middle of cleaning litter boxes when Angie decides she needs to be brushed.  And when Angie decides she needs to be brushed, she yowls until I stop what I'm doing and brush her. 

But Angie isn't the worst shedder.  The queen of shedding just happens to be a domestic short hair with "tabby markings".  Once I finally catch her, she will let me brush her.  And lately, while brushing Salem, the fur has really been flying.

Brushing the rest of these felines is like wrestling a pack of gators.  And even though I brush them after they've had breakfast, Tommy, the king of shedding, still tries to eat the brush.  That guy has an incredible appetite.    


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