Friday, March 21, 2014


Throughout the ages, cats and magic have been intertwined, and rightly so.  These beautiful creatures are magical, mystical and mysterious.  But the old tales of witches and their feline familiars is so wrong.
Leave it to egotistical humans to tell the story backwards.  The truth is cats have human familiars to do their bidding.  I should know.  They speak, I jump.

Black cats.  People automatically assume there's something witchy about them.  And there is.  Off the top of my head, I can think of two separate traumatic incidents where a black cat actually saved my life.  One cat lost his life in the process.  Thank you, guys.

Respect black cats, but don't ever underestimate the others. 

For the past few years, I have been under the spell of a brother and sister pair of bewitching white cats.  I am under no delusions as to who calls the shots.  It isn't me.

They have their paws full dealing with this thick skulled human.  Sometimes it's very difficult for them to get their point across.  And though they resemble each other, their personalities and human wrangling techniques couldn't be more different.  But whatever method they use, their persistence is amazing.  Sooner or later, one way or another, they always get this human to toe the mark. 

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