Friday, March 14, 2014

Sensitivity lesson #2- feline and female discrimination

Some forms of charity are recognized and lauded.  Other forms are spurned.  While one "humane" organization euthanizes local dogs as fast as they enter the door, another "humane" group is "rescuing" dogs in foreign locales by the truckload and bringing them in.  Shouldn't charity begin at home?  This behavior is insane.  Every local dog should be found a home before these misguided nitwits bring in more.  But in spite of their bizarre "rescuing" habits, people rally around them, funding them and patting them on the back.  Nobody calls them "crazy dog ladies".    

Rescue some cats and guess what happens?  Although cats are also living beings, a cat rescuer is  promptly labeled a "crazy cat lady".  Never a "crazy cat man".  They, whoever the hell they are, would have you believe that no male has ever been owned by a cat.  I know for a fact that this is untrue.  Men and cats can and do get along and even reside in the same dwellings.  There are many women and men out there that do not like being called "crazy cat ladies".  A "crazy cat lady" is a false, harmful, hurtful stereotype, especially traumatic to men. 

Unlike drooling slobbering dogs and their drooling, slobbering, belligerent humans, cats and their humans are very intelligent.  Anyone with half a brain should recognize that "crazy" is a more suitable description for the drooling slobbering flea bitten bullies that hang with dogs.      

With all this political and media blather about equality and redistribution of the wealth, why not redistribute the discrimination, too.  If every person that is owned by a cat, whether male or female, is a "crazy cat lady", then every person that "owns" a dog, whether male or female, should be called a "crazy dog man".  It may take a grassroots effort to spread the word, but once the word is out there it should spread faster than fleas and ticks on a dog.  WARNING: OWNING A DOG MAKES YOU A "CRAZY DOG MAN"!

And since we are on the subject of discrimination, pet stores are some of the worst offenders.  Three quarters of their merchandise is geared towards dogs.  The other quarter is divided between cats, fish, rats, gerbils, birds, snakes, lizards, spiders, etc.  Friends of cats should unite and rise up against this discrimination.  As household companions, dogs and cats are equally common.  The other "pets" make up a small percentage of the companion population.  This discrimination against cats doesn't even make economic sense.  Cats live longer than dogs which means that more money can be squeezed from feline owned humans.  And feline owned humans are more apt to be owned by multiple felines.  Pet stores should be jumping on the money train by taking advantage the generous natures of humans towards their feline companions.  And finally:      


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