Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Cujo's strike again and again

I heard it happen and it still haunts me. While standing  on the porch, I heard Cujo begin one of her countless barking sessions.  But this time it sounded more vicious than usual.  Then the 160 decibel A-holes begin screaming and yelling.  It consisted of "GET OUT!  GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!  GET OUT!"  While they screamed and yelled, Cujo kept barking.

A few minutes later, I figured out what had happened.  Salem appeared at the screen door, shaking and covered in her own excrement.  I cleaned the shaken cat up and checked her over as best I could.  I knew something was wrong but I didn't know exactly what until the wounds on her neck abscessed.  Her thick fur had covered them.  After treatment by the vet and a round of antibiotics, Salem recovered physically.  Emotionally, she never did.  If a stranger comes to the door or enters the house, Salem freaks out and goes into hiding.  She won't come out until the stranger has been gone for an hour.  Then she slinks around, checking everything out to make sure it is safe before she will settle back down. 

What kind of people are those A-holes?  After their dog bit Salem, they chased her off and never tried to help her.  While they were screaming at her, did they throw rocks at her, too?  Yes, the naughty cat crossed over the wall.  But if a person had walked onto their property and gotten attacked by the dog, would they have stoned the person or just buried him in the back yard? 

A couple weeks later, I heard barking and ran outside to see Angie racing towards the house.  I caught her and brought her in.  This time, it wasn't hard to miss the blood running down her white haunch.  I rushed the trembling cat to the animal hospital.  She was treated, given antibiotics and recovered.  Sort of.  But because it all happened so fast, I swear she thinks the Vet bit her.  Since then, bringing her to the vet is about as much fun as a root canal. 

Even though my yard is a couple acres in a rural area, I don't dare let Minnie's five kids outdoors any longer. After patching Tommy the money cat up half a dozen times, he's no longer allowed out either.  And believe it or not, there are days when I would love to toss him back out. 

Crazy dog men and A-holes, what goes around comes around.  And it will come.  Enjoy.

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