Saturday, March 15, 2014


Computers work in mysterious ways.  As long as I can touch one without breaking it, I am usually content.

It has been pointed out to me that Mozilla Foxfire will not allow comments on this site, nor will it allow me to reply to them.  The only way to comment or reply is to go through the Internet Explorer.  I haven't a clue why.

Comment gently, please.  Unlike crude, brutish, slobbering "CRAZY DOG MEN", Cat People are sensitive souls.

After sparing a few seconds of thought on the differences between cat people and "CRAZY DOG MEN" , it becomes  obvious why certain personalities gravitate towards one species or the other.

People that seek feline company are looking for intelligent companionship.

"CRAZY DOG PEOPLE" are a whole 'nother can of worms.  These needy people are not looking for companionship.  They are exhibitionists and bullies looking for attention from other humans.  Obviously people are going to look at you when you are dragging or being dragged by a snarling slobbering beast on a leash.  And what better way to lash out at society than to force others to step in your mongrel's poop. 

Believe it or not, I actually like dogs.  It's their owners I have issues with.  "CRAZY DOG MEN", if you must be bullies, tangle with a species that will give you a taste of your own medicine.  Get some geese.


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