Monday, March 24, 2014

Hypocrisy. Green living and fireworks.

One of the biggest complaints some folks have about cats is that they eat birds.  Humans do, too, but that's different, I guess.  Of course, cats have to catch their own birds.  Most of us have somebody else do our dirty work by cooping birds up, pumping them full of antibiotics and catching them for us.  This supposedly makes us superior to other predators.

Then there are those folks that recycle their trash and load up their gas guzzlers with reusable shopping bags.  These are the same people that speed by you while waving their middle finger and shouting obscenities at you for polluting by smoking a cigarette.  As they speed off, they run over any person or animal that happens to be crossing the road. 

Upon arriving at their Mc-mansions, they wave at the lawn guys they hired to spray the chemicals that will poison the whole neighborhood.  That lawn has to be nice and green for the biggest eco-friendly holiday season of the year, 4th of July week.  That's when men celebrate their manhood by guzzling beer and treating the neighborhood to a solid week of nightly rounds of explosions.

On these nights, windows rattle and the air is thick with smoke and reeks of gunpowder.  The noise frightens my creatures.  It frightens their creatures and often others get injured, but these guys only care about showing off.  The noise and pollution from their explosives must have a dreadful effect on the wild creatures living outdoors and the air quality.  More harm is probably done to the environment on these few nights than at any other time. 

If these patriotic people also care about the environment, instead of wasting money on explosives and toxic lawn chemicals, they could donate that money to organizations that help veterans.       


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