Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doggie dyeing?

Oh, those CRAZY DOG MEN.  What is wrong with these people?  Doggie bandanas.  Doggie bling.  Doggie diapers.  Okay, these things are weird and fairly harmless.  But when crazy dog men puff up their egos with canine mutilation, like cropped ears and tails for fashion's sake, that's not so harmless.  

Let's not forget canine humiliation.  At one time, it was just those ghastly poodle cuts with the pom poms and topknot bows.  Come on, people, no self respecting dog wants to be seen in public like that! 

But every time I think the crazy dog men have reached an all time low, they fool me by sinking even lower.  Now these nuts are dyeing their doggies!  Give me a break!  Unlike shallow humans, dogs don't care what color their fur is.  They have more important things to worry about, like nightly barkathons, chasing cars and biting mail men.  And since most dogs would rather roll in nasty things than be bathed, it is quite possible that dogs don't even like being dyed.

I'll bet these doggie dyers worry about their "carbon foot prints ".  They probably recycle and fret about global warming, too.  So why don't these crazy dog men worry about subjecting "man's best friend" to an unnecessary exposure of possibly toxic chemicals?  Could it be that these crazy dog men are only thinking about themselves when they subject their doggies to being dyed?  Absolutely!

Ego.  This is the only reason why a person would dye his or her dog.  These sociopaths are unable to recognize and appreciate their canine companions as separate beings.  To doggie-dyeing crazy dog men, their dogs are mere fashion accessories. 

These crazy dog men are missing the whole point.  Dogs are not little people or fashion accessories.  Dogs should be respected as unique individuals, regardless of fur color, blinged diapers and idiotic owners.  Even though dogs tend to bite cats, like cats, dogs are wonderful beings in their own right.  Animals are not toys.  They are equal to humans and have their own special wisdom.  If we just learn to listen to them, they could teach us a lot.    

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