Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Location, location location!  It ain't always what it's cracked up to be.  When it comes to the local vet, this is especially true.  The closest animal hospital may be convenient, but it isn't always the best.

The Golddigger Animal Hospital in the center of the town next door is a good example of this phenomena.  For decades, they've preyed on pet owners with deep pockets. 

"Does wittle Fifi have a cold?  Let's nail her with five or six rabies shots." 

"Poor wittle Fluffy has blood in her pee?  Must be stress.  Let's nail her with a rabies shot."

Even though they've made a nice living from the misfortunes of others, will they ever give you a break?  HELL, NO!  I've tried really hard to work with these people.  I've repeatedly explained my bizarre situation to them.  But once they latch on to an animal's name, or even better, many animals' names, it's feeding frenzy time.  They immediately  start sending those damn post cards.  Imagine getting a dozen cards in the mail, telling you it's time for each one of the dozen's fecal parasitic exams.  Right.  Like I'm going to chase a bunch of wild cats through the bushes collecting and labelling individual stool samples.  Jeesh!  Even the lazy indoor cats don't write their names on stool.  Not that which crap belongs to who really matters.  All that matters to Golddiggers is that I fork out a bundle for useless unneccessary tests.  I wasn't born yesterday and it isn't going to happen.  But hell, if they want to waste the postage, good luck to them. 

Still, if a creature is bleeding or seems to be in danger, closer is better.  So I will rush the animal to that blasted place.  So far, the animals have survived.  Sometimes after taking an animal to Golddiggers, I end up taking the same animal to an emergency animal hospital later that evening.  Lately, it seems to take two animal hospitals to treat one animal.  That's bad, but no worse than human doctors.  In an area known for lyme disease, it took five doctors to diagnose mine, when all that was needed was a stupid blood test..  Having been conditioned by morons, I have a reasonably high tolerance for morons.  Sooner or later, I'll go back to Golddiggers for more.

When bringing an animal to the Goldigger Animal Hospital, I always bring documentation of the rabies shots Goldigger Animal Hospital has already administered to the animal.  This saves time.  If I don't bring proof, time will be wasted arguing with the staff.  And it saves "poor wittle Fluffy" from having an unneccessary rabies shot in order to be examined for a possible urinary tract infection.

Poor Tommy the money cat has probably had more rabie shots than any cat alive.
 "Since he's injured again, we'll have to give him another rabies booster!  Sign this paper stating that he hasn't bitten anyone in the last month." 
Tommy's been roaming the neighborhood.  I haven't a clue whether he's bitten anyone or not.  But his foot is badly injured and he needs to be treated so I sign the damn paper. 

To get the cats wormed at Golddiggers Animal Hospital, the cats must have physicals first.  Even if they've already been examined the previous month.  For these physicals, I make sure to bring the cat's rabies documentation.  If not, they'll try and hit me for another round of rabies shots. After the physicals, as I'm battling the cats back into their carriers, I hear the unthinkable.
 "Are they up to date on their shots?  And would you like to bring in their stool samples so we can examine them?"
Oh, just once, how I would like to say, "Sure lady.  I'll bring in six stool samples.  But only if you eat them."    


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